This is McIntyre’s book, chronicling his life and career so far. From growing up in Hampstead, his time in university to how his career started.,meeting his wife Kitty and the birth of his first child.
This book was ok, just ok. There were plenty of laugh out loud moments which was the saving grace in this book. His story isn’t wildly exciting, especially his career, he charts his rise from working the Jongleur clubs to finally making it at the Royal Variety Perfomance. The same story could be said about anybody, rising their way from office runner to office management, McIntyre has the added bonus of being able to tell a story comically though.
To me he has such stage presence, he’s very flambouyant and likes to tell his story grandly. It didn’t work in writing though. If he was on stage telling his story then it would have worked. I could see him in my mind, in his expressive manner, proudly doing his gig and it would have come across a lot better than the written word.
I’m not sure what it is lately with celeb biog’s/auto biog’s, it seems like if they have a career of some sort for a few years then it gives them the ok to write ‘their story’ with part 2 following on a year later and part 3 two years later. What happened to the days when ‘celebs’ would not start writing their stories until they were in their fifties? Now it seems there’s so many brought out, in as few years as possible! I think I’m done with Biographies for a while.